The set of tiles stickers to 1860: Railways on the Isle of Wight is dedicated to all game editions, the new one from AAG, but the old ones too. It is one of the biggest ones in our shop with…
Tag: 18Mex
We prepared for this game two different versions of trays sets. The first one was designed only for the new edition, the second one is more universal and it works with the laminate edition too. Currently, the second set is…
We have both editions of 18Mex in our group, I decided to make a small comparison of how much the game has changed compared to the first release, in which most of the elements were handmade. Are the changes good…
Last year we knew 12 new games of the 18xx series (Galatolol even more). I asked the people with whom we played to order them from the best to the weakest.In some of them we played only once, it’s definitely…
Aktualizacja wszystkich skrótów zasad. Doszły opisy do: 18Ardennes i 1848. Zmiany dotyczą: 1836jr, 1857, 1868, 1889, 1890, 1893. Największa zmiana to możliwość sprzedaży akcji firm które jeszcze nie operowały (ale nie w pierwszej rundzie giełdowej). Aktualnie dostępne są do gier: 1822, 1830, 1836jr,…
Every month we get to know one more title, another 18xx. Thanks to this, we slowly explore the titles we’ve come to know earlier and we can present you more games. With each successive title I am surprised that in…
This time the players were: Maciek, Michał (Elemele) and me Marcin (Magole). It was my 10th adventure with 18Mex. The first time we played in January and as you can see, we liked the title very much 😉 The last…
The whole Saturday of playing, this time at my house with a team: Tolis (Grzesiek), Elemele (Michał) and me Marcin or magole. During the entire meeting, we played 3 18xx games! We started after 11 in the morning and finished…
Wszystkie skróty zasad w jednym miejscu. Zdecydowałem się na udostępnienie hurtem wszystkich skrótów bo po prostu zacząłem się gubić w tym które wrzuciłem na BGG a które nie? Bo gier i przygotowanych skrótów mamy coraz więcej a każdy skrót ma…
A very successful meeting and two games of 18xx in the changed squads we managed to play. We had one completely new player (Arthur) and Jarek who plays with us from time to time. The second game ended with the…