Last year we knew 12 new games of the 18xx series (Galatolol even more). I asked the people with whom we played to order them from the best to the weakest.
In some of them we played only once, it’s definitely not enough to be able to give an unambiguous opinion, so I asked them to assign new games to one of four categories:
- the best of the best
- average, we will not refuse to play games in this category, but than are better games
- waiting room, we do not yet have an opinion about these games, maybe their rating will increase, but it can also fall
- poor, rather we will not come back to them.
We would also like to invite you to share your opinion what games you met last year, which ones you liked best? Did you know only one 18xx game? Do not worry, write about it, did it hit your list of the best or it is waiting somewhere in between for the next game? Among all the answers, we will draw one full set of stickers to the title of your choice (from those that are available in our store – now or in the future), together with the wooden tokens of course. You have a one week, we are waiting for your answers until February 16th. You can write in such media: twitter, facebook, mail: marcin at this_domain_name
All lists will be published with your nickname or name (depending on how you sign it).
And here are our results:
The best of the best:
1822 Medium Regional Scenario (Michał from Olkusz / Marcin)
1822: The Railways of Great Britain (Galatolol)
1830: Railways & Robber Barons (Galatolol)
1848: Australia (Galatolol / Michał from Olkusz / Maciek / Tolis / Marcin)
1854 (Michał)
1856: Railroading in Upper Canada from 1856 (Maciek / Michał)
1857 (Michał from Olkusz)
1860 Railways on the Isle of Wight (Michał)
1880: China (Maciek / Marcin)
18Ardennes (Michał)
18MEX (Michał from Olkusz / Maciek / Michał)
UR: 1830 BC (Tolis)
Most votes have got: 1848 Australia and 18MEX.
Average, we will not refuse to play games in this category, but than are better games
1822: The Railways of Great Britain (Maciek / Michał)
1830: Railways & Robber Barons (Tolis)
1836jr (Galatolol)
1844 (Galatolol / Maciek)
1846: The Race for the Midwest (Galatolol)
1848: Australia (Michał)
1849: The Game of Sicilian Railways (Galatolol)
1856: Railroading in Upper Canada from 1856 (Michał from Olkusz)
1857 (Maciek / Tolis / Michał / Marcin)
1860 Railways on the Isle of Wight (Michał from Olkusz)
1868 (Maciek)
1880: China (Michał from Olkusz / Tolis / Michał)
1893 Cologne (Maciek)
18Ardennes (Michał from Olkusz / Marcin)
18CLE (Michał from Olkusz)
18Ireland (Michał from Olkusz)
18Neb (Galatolol)
18MEX (Galatolol / Marcin)
Steam over Holland (Galatolol)
UR: 1830 BC (Galatolol / Marcin)
Waiting room, we do not yet have an opinion about these games, maybe their rating will increase, but it can also fall, there are:
1822 Medium Regional Scenario (Galatolol)
1822: The Railways of Great Britain (Tolis)
1857 (Galatolol)
1860 Railways on the Isle of Wight (Marcin)
1862: Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties (Galatolol)
1868 (Marcin)
18CLE (Tolis / Marcin)
18Ireland (Galatolol / Tolis / Marcin)
Poor, rather we will not come back to them (each of them got only one vote, so we do not throw them out the window right now) :
1800 (Galatolol)
1867: The Railways of Canada (Galatolol)
1868 (Michał)
1895 Namibia (Galatolol)
1893 Cologne (Michał)
18CZ (Galatolol)
18Lilliput (Galatolol)
UR: 1830 BC (Michał from Olkusz)
To clarify, I included all the games I played last year, not only the new to me.