18Rhl, a good operating game by Wolfram Janich is now live on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wj1/18rhl-rhineland. The new edition will include a new variant featuring a new map. 18Rhl-Rhineland also contains 18LRA-Lower Rhine Area. Most of the rules are the same…
Author: Galatolol
From 4th to 7th May of 2023 a new 18xx convention – 18xx Asturias – will take place in Gijón, Spain. Registration will be open in February/March. More information: https://18xxasturias.com/home-2/
Just some thoughts on a 4–player 1830 private auction, using my last playthrough on Board18 as an example. Assumptions: — privates’ powers don’t matter — you’d rather not get P6 (the only unsellable private, so you can’t transfer money from…
Daniel Cherney has put together a “very narrow history of 18xx”, a result of him talking with David Hecht, Todd Vander Pluym, Wolfram Janich, and Bruce Shelley. It’s an interesting read, check it out here: https://www.danielcherney.com/a-very-narrow-history-of-18xx/
1848 used to be my favourite 18xx game. It isn’t anymore—which I was expecting since I knew from the start that it wouldn’t be as deep as 1830 or 1817—but it is still among my most appreciated 18xx games. The…
Z Xenirem stworzyliśmy “Dwójki rdzewieją”, podkast o grach 18xx. Podziemne przedsięwzięcie, czyli nieregularne odcinki i niekoniecznie najlepsza jakość dźwięku. Mam nadzieję, że moja dykcja nie przeszkadza za bardzo https://anchor.fm/dwojkirdzewieja Póki co 2 odcinki: o 1828 oraz pierwsze wrażenia z 18West…
A short rant today. Many 18xx games fail to deliver when it comes to easily distinguish companies. Because of that, I even consider some of the unplayable (in their official form that is). As a preliminary, I must emphasize that…
1817NA is an 1817 variant, currently being playtested, designed by Marc Voyer (known for 1882). Its objective is to make the game shorter and more suitable for lower player counts. I’ve played 1817 6 times, 18USA once and 1817NA 5…
If you use Keith Thomasson’s rules difference list, you’ll certainly find helpful the new way to browse it put up by Hywel Carver. His website allows you to compare rules between two chosen titles. Here’s the link: https://18xx.hcarver.com/.
Toby Mao, developer behind www.rollingstock.net, created a new platform to play 18xx games in a fully automated way. For now only 1889 is available, but he wants to add more titles. Website: https://18xx.games/ More information (BGG thread): https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2415089/article/34645990#34645990 EDIT: The…