On the BGG forum appeared information from Hanno Girke from Lookout Games (https://boardgamegeek.com/article/29619531#29619531), which electrified the 18xx gaming community. So far, we were imformed that a demo version will be prepared for this year’s GenCon to present the changes. However,…
Tag: Lookout Games
Pre-Foreword: After I wrote this post I read rules by myself and found out, that we made many mistakes. 18xx games are complex, but that was a big fail… I didn’t read rules before play, because Marcin prepared short rules…
If you were scared because Asmodee finally bought the whole Lookout Games we have good news. Lookout will publish 1830, as they planned, this year. Moreover, Hanno Girke wrote on Yahoo group, that Lookout Games “will remain the home of…
Hanno Gierke z Lookout Games potwierdził na BGG, że nowe wydanie 1830 jest w planach na przyszły rok: “It’s on our release schedule for 2018.” Swego czasu wszystkich na BGG zastanawiało, jaką decyzję względem grafik podejmie Lookout Games, ponieważ ostatnie…
W końcu, po godzinach tłumaczenia, weryfikacji i korekty. Po 4 godzinach “wlewania” polskiego tekstu do PDF’a – udało się! Instrukcja w języku polskim do 1844 jest już dostępna do ściągnięcia z BGG TUTAJ. Mam nadzieję, że Wam się spodoba. W…
There has been information on BGG for some time that Lookout Games is preparing to resume 1830. A few days ago Hanno Gierke from Lookout wrote that if everything goes according to plan, the game will be available in early…