Michał (Elemele) vs 18xx in 2017

As you might know, I started playing 18xx games in March 2017, so that’s report is after 10 months of playing. I’m so lucky that I had opportunity to learned this kind of games and I love them so much. I love them, because when I’m playing my brain is burning and working more than 100%. I love that feeling after play, when we are discussing what we did, why we lose or win. I’m sure, that we could spend the same amount of time talking about 18xx games as we spend playing them. I’ve never had this kind of fun with other games before.

Here you can find, how many times, and what I was playing.

1889 2017-03-03 Sosnowiec / Piotrek 1 3 Magole, Piotrek
1849 2017-04-28 Sosnowiec / Magole 1 3 Magole, Łukasz
1846 2017-05-26 Sosnowiec / Magole 3 3 Michał z Olkusza, Łukasz
1844 2017-06-03 Zabrze / Pionek 3 4 Magole, Michał z Olkusza, Tolis
1849 2017-06-17 Gliwice / Tolis 4 4 Magole, Ryu, Tolis
1889 2017-07-05 Cerekwica / ViK 1 2 Karol
1889 2017-07-06 Cerekwica / ViK 2 2 Karol
1830 2017-07-15 Mysłowice MOK 3 5 Maciek, Michał z Olkusza, Magole, Jacek
1836jr v30 2017-07-19 Katowice / Proscenium 1 2 Magole
1836jr v56 2017-07-21 Katowice / Michał 3 3 Magole, Michał z Olkusza
1846 2017-07-27 Katowice / Ludiversum 1 2 Magole
1846 2017-08-01 Katowice / Tomek 1 4 Magole, Ania, Tomek
1846 2017-08-05 Katowice / Michał 1 3 Michał z Orkana, Paweł
1846 2017-08-23 Katowice / Proscenium 1 2 Magole
18Africa 2017-09-01 Sosnowiec / Magole 3 4 Magole, Michał z Olkusza, Jarek
18Africa 2017-09-09 Sosnowiec / Magole 1 3 Magole, Jarek
1889 2017-09-16 Mysłowice / MOK 2 4 Magole, Michał z Olkusza, Jacek
Rolling Stock 2017-10-07 Sosnowiec / Magole 3 4 Magole, Michał, Jarek
1890 2017-10-07 Sosnowiec / Magole 3 3 Magole, Michał
1844 2017-10-21 Gliwice / Tolis 2 4 Magole, Kuba, Tolis
18CZ 2017-11-08 Katowice / Ludiversum 2 2 Magole
18CZ 2017-11-08 Katowice / Ludiversum 2 2 Magole
1836jr v30 2017-11-10 Katowice / Michał 3 3 Magole, Michał z Olkusza
1846 2017-11-25 Zabrze / Pionek SilesiaRailCon 2 4 Sławek, Magole, Michał z Olkusza
1889 2017-11-26 Zabrze / Pionek SilesiaRailCon 1 5 Adam, Darek, Magole, Michał z Olkusza
1836jr v56 2017-11-26 Sosnowiec / Magole 1 3 Magole, Michał z Olkusza
1830 2017-12-15 Jaworzno / Sklep Mgła 2 5 Andrzej, Michał z Olkusza, Magole, Jacek
TOTAL plays 27
TOTAL titles 11
TOTAL wins 11 40,74%
TOTAL 2p plays 7 25,93%

I didn’t expect that I won almost half of the games I’ve played 😉

More important for me is, that I was playing 27 times in 10 months and it gives 2.7 plays per month. Nice, but I want more 😉

And what about titles:

1846 6
1889 5
1836jr v30 2
1836jr v56 2
1849 2
1844 2
1830 2
18Africa 2
18CZ 2
Rolling Stock 1
1890 1

I’m not surprised that at the top of the list are two titles, which are best for new player. At the 3rd position is our beloved 😉 1836jr (divided into 2 variant, both superb).  As I said, I want play more and more, so if there will be opportunity, and you will be somewhere around south of Poland, give me a known – I will play with you!

My BGG rating of 18xx games, which I’ve played:

1836jr 10
1889 9.3
1849 9.2
1844 9.2
1846 9
1830 8.9
1890 8
18CZ 7
Rolling Stock 4



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