1888-N on Kickstarter from April 2 – updated

The new game from Lonny Orgler will be available on Kickstarter from tomorrow! 

This title is set in China in the Beijing area. It features no special rules apart from the various private companies (which depict Chinese landmarks) and is a branch of the 1830-style games. The maps are double-sided, one side in English and the other one in Mandarin.

1888-N is the first part in a Chinese trilogy (1888-E and 1888-S are the other two) can be combined with one or both other games for a larger map and more companies.

I described my first early impression here: https://www.railsonboards.com/2022/02/01/1888-first-very-early-impression/

You can play it on 18xx.games

Link to BGG page: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/359232/1888-n

Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1840vienna/1888-north-china

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