I have to decide on the size of the box that I want to produce and add to our store. My first idea was a box with a size similar to the GMT, but someone suggested a slightly wider box and someone else a longer one. I know from experience that some people pay attention to ensuring that the box matches the others on the shelf.
Please give your voice via the poll at the bottom of the page.
What are the pros and cons of different boxes sizes:
GMT size, such as 1846, 1848, 1862 (305 x 229 x 77 / 12x9x3”).
- It is very deep and you will insert a lot of trays or gameboards into it.
- It is very similar in format to many other euro game boxes.
- Doesn’t fit A4,
- You can buy such a box from GMT,
- Not as wide as AAG.
AAG size, such as 18Chesapeake, 1849 (305 x 250 x 63 / 12x10x2.5”).
- wide nice box.
- shallow, fewer trays or thick gameboards will fit,
- you can buy such a box from AAG,
- doesn’t fit A4.
18DO size, this size seems the most universal (310 x 250 x 70 / 12.2x10x2.7”).
- it is almost as deep as GMT,
- its width is the same as AAG boxes,
- it fits A4 because it is longer,
- If you have games from AAG, the size will fit those boxes.
- since it is a combination of both boxes, this will be the biggest box.
Note that “GMT-size” blank boxes can be bought from GMT.
thanks, updated 🙂
A possibility to fit A4 makes it an obvious choice for me.
I think it would be great to get a box that could fit the contents of bigger games like 1841 and 1817 with the trays you already offer. The box of my older edition of 1817 doesn’t close completely with your trays inside.
A4 is a fundamental requirement and I wouldn’t buy a box that doesn’t accommodate it.
When I was making my prototype of 18GB, I used an A4 box that was about 325 x 235 x 50mm, and this worked very well. I got it from spielmaterial.de; they have changed their range since then and now they sell a similar box which is 317 x 230 x 50 mm, I guess you may want a deeper box since you’ll be wanting to put tile trays in it – do tile trays fit well enough in the AAG boxes (in which case 60mm may be enough) or do you need the extra depth?