Last update: 31.07.2021
We currently have 24 colors of wooden elements. If you need to find out which color to choose for our wood, we have prepared the following list for you. The choice of colors was based according to the printing of stickers, the color of which was to be as close as possible to the color of tokens, it may vary depending on the type of paper used or the method of printing. Second important thing! I provide colors in CMYK coding. The CMYK color palette is used in all printers, in RGB coding they may look slightly different. If you change the palette from RGB to CMYK during the graphic development.
- black Pantone: black C CMYK: 000000
- blue Pantone: 2144C CMYK: 0061a1
- bright green Pantone: 3501C CMYK: 4CAE04
- brown Pantone: 7594C CMYK: 7C3A2D
- cherry Pantone: 1945C CMYK: A60A3D
- fuchsia Pantone: 2353C CMYK: e975ab <- UPDATED 31-07-2021
- gold Pantone: 1385C CMYK: C97A00
- green Pantone: 348C CMYK: 00843D
- grey Pantone: 430C CMYK: 7C878E
- inky Pantone: 2738C CMYK: 13057F
- lavender Pantone: 2086C CMYK: A08BCB
- light blue Pantone: 2193C CMYK: 2fb4e9 <- UPDATED 31-07-2021
- light brown Pantone: 2341C CMYK: B66C6D
- lime Pantone: 584C CMYK: D2D755 <- UPDATED 31-07-2021
- natural Pantone: 4685C CMYK: E0C6AD
- navy blue Pantone: 7684 CMYK: 385E9D <- UPDATED 02-10-2020
- orange Pantone: 1655C CMYK: FC4C02
- pink Pantone: 1777C CMYK: FB637E
- red Pantone: 199C CMYK: D50032
- tan Pantone: 7502C CMYK: CEB888
- turquoise Pantone: 329C CMYK: 007063
- violet Pantone: 2089C CMYK: 7248BD
- white Pantone: 000C CMYK: FFFFFF
- yellow Pantone: 109C CMYK: FFD100
You can also download a PDF file with exactly the same colors as given above. Warning! For good color reproduction, in the graphics program open this file with the CMYK palette.
Link: Download the PDF file.
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