Are 18xx games ugly? Look at this gallery and judge yourself.
Game: 1893: Cologne
Edition : Marflow Games with self matte laminate
Year: 2014
BGG link:
The Box:
All game components:
The map:
The stock market:
All track tiles:
Certificates and private companies:
Trains (mounted on board):
Companies charters:
And our revenue table (we use it in every 18xx game):
Do you like it? I bought this game in a version not cut and not laminated. It was not a cheaper version. But in this way I could make a matte version that looks better on the pictures. I used a self-adhesive foil for laminating, I attached the train cards to the cardboard with double-sided adhesive tape, and I generated the track tiles using the ps18xx program and printed them on the self-adhesive foil together with other PnP games 🙂